The At-Sea Course

Advanced training activities in satellite oceanography will be run aboard the ship with a focus toward supporting student personal science activities that will be developed throughout the on-line training and explored further aboard the ship. Students will be working side-by-side with a lecture team, allowing unprecedented access to a wealth of experience and technical knowledge, to get the most out of the time at sea.

The Statsraad Lehmkuhl ship has recently been fitted with a further suite of scientific equipment, upgrading it from the 2023 voyage. The key instruments available on board are outlined in the picture.  

Activities aboard the ship, by default, are tailored to the regional characteristics of the Norwegian Sea, Northeast Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. That’s quite a range of water masses! During the voyage, the students will collect in situ observations and use these together with satellite data and ocean model outputs to interpret the ocean state, monitor the bio-geo-chemistry of the ocean, and validate satellite and model data amongst other activities. In addition, the students will conduct their own ocean science research project, individually or in small groups.